See exactly how your score is being calculated
Positive Items
ScorePulse's innovative engine automatically detects positive items and their contribution to the final credit score.
Negative Items
Find out which items are pulling down the score and how much each item is pulling down the score on the comprehensive dashboard.
AI-driven Metro2 Strikes
Dispute the most important negative items as suggested by Industry's first AI engine driven by past results and experience.
Define your goals
Target how much score you would like to improve for a Loan, Car, or funding your Dream. Define the realistic timeline for the score improvement. Check what all things need to be done to achieve the dream score for healthy personal finance.
Signup and Subscribe for Credit Report
Subscribe to the monthly 3B credit score report which is required for identifying and disputing the important negative items. ScorePulse costs only $29 per month for 3B report subscription. Analysis of Credit Report, Identification of negative items, and letter generation is free with ScorePulse.
Analyze 3B Credit Report
See exactly the items affecting your final credit score. Its impact on your home or auto loan installment. Identify the target score and decide the approach to improve the score.
Dispute process
Let ScorePulse AI-driven engine suggest the best suitable approach for your dispute process. ScorePulse prepares a maximum of 5 letters for free for you to download, print, and email. For additional letters or availing the automated and efficient method of printing and email/faxing to all interested parties including bureaus and creditors you can avail of affordable ScorePulseMail services.
Monitor the results
Monitor for any communication from bureaus or creditors, upload the letters in ScorePulse, and let the AI engine decide for the next automated rounds of disputing. Additionally, you can avail of personalized financial consultation over email/phone at affordable rates from our list of partners.
Find a plan that’s right for you
Best for few errors with no purchase coming up
- Transunion Report
- 3 Disputes/mo
- Fax Letters
- Metro2 Strikes
- Download Letters
- Mail Letters
- Email consultation
Do it Yourself
$29 / month
best for purchase/loan within the next 90 days
- 3 Bureau Report
- Unlimited Disputes
- Fax Letters
- Metro2 Strikes
- Download Letters
- Mail Letters $2/page
- Email consultation
Let An Expert do it
$89 / month
ScorePulse does everything for you.
- 3 Bureau Report
- Unlimited Disputes
- Fax Letters
- Metro2 Strikes
- Mail Letters $2/page
- Email consultation
- Phone consult $50/hr
Start ScorePulse for free
100% free plan, unlimited months — upgrade only when you need 3B reports and need expert help. No credit card required.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please reach out to with any questions.
Yes, ScorePulse has a free plan forever which helps you fix a few disputes every month. It's best suitable when a credit report has few negative items and no near future plans for loan or purchases. It has no hidden fees or additional charges.
AI-Driven engine identifies negative items and drafts UNIQUE letters automatically every time. This approach has a maximum success rate in the industry of more than 90%.
Whenever credit bureaus receive dispute letters they have 30 days to conduct their review. However, with our intelligent and proven methodology we do recommend sending different letters at specific times instead of sending all the letters at once. We define the methodology as Strikes.
Two options available. Either you download the letters, print and email yourself. ScorePulse has partners who do all the hard work for you for a small fee per page. You can pay as you go and avail the easy to use mail service which offers real-time certified tracking.
ScorePulse "Do-It-Yourself" and "Let an Expert Do It" plans offer automated and intelligent suggestions for best results. You can anyway change and dispute the items you like to dispute.
All three Bureaus are supported in paid plans. With the free plans you can explore deleting with only one Transunion Bureau.